“He’s passionate about clear communication, and that’s evident not just in the way he talks but in his life’s work. It comes across, and it’s infectious.
Lawyers equate plain language with ambiguous or imprecise language, and a lot of Joe’s work speaks to those myths and how you can address them.
Joe’s an excellent speaker and a very good writer. He comes as the voice of authority, experience, and knowledge. The feedback we got was very positive. We followed up in our working group. We turned his name into a verb: when we’ve done a good job, we say we’ve Kimbled it.”
Erica Hemistra,
Director of Distribution and Consumer Affairs for the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association

“Joe knows his subject, and he’s also an effective teacher—a rare and successful combination.
Joe previewed some of our documents and showed us how to say the same thing in clearer language—a great exercise. Lawyers try to say, ‘No, this can’t be changed,’ and Joe showed that the law usually doesn’t say, ‘Use these words.’ He can help change lawyers’ thinking.”
Chad Busk,

“We have a project where we try to help the bank speak more clearly to customers, and that’s why we work with Joe Kimble. If we can speak clearly and the customer understands products and alternatives, the level of trust and our own reputation improves.”
Maria Such Andres,
Manager for Strategy, BBVA–Compass Bank, Madrid

“We all know we should be writing in plain language, but we don’t do it—so it was a useful session, both as a reminder of what we should be doing and because of the practical tips and guidance that Joe provided. The exercises and examples were especially helpful.”
Susie Al-Quassab,
Senior Associate, Howard Kennedy LLP, London